My Step-by-Step Puppy Training Guide
This critical, foundational session covers all the important elements that begin these lifelong habits of good behaviour.
Here is where you get to teach your dog the skills it needs but also gain insight into how to communicate effectively with your dog, so they feel safe, that they can rely on you to look after them and love you unconditionally.
Your flexible choice
A session of 90 minutes in our own training centre is £110.00
A three hour session taught in your own home environment is £220

To make a booking call Jackie 07947 305359
Step 2
This session is entirely designed around where your dog is on their skill responses and their path to viewing you with complete confidence. During the many years that I have worked in this way with literally thousands of owners I have seen so many pivotal moments in the relationship happen at this point
In this session, the initial skills are deepened and embedded even more thoroughly. After all, you don’t pass your driving test after one lesson. It is a great opportunity to get precision feedback, to offer subtle shifts in your handling with your dog and to have all your questions answered. Experience tells me that this is the point that owners’ confidence and the dog’s trust in you really takes off.
Your flexible choice
A session of 60 minutes is £75
A three hour session taught in your own home environment is £220
Step 3
This session is, perhaps, when the process of learning for your dog is elevated. Naturally, you have to teach skills and relationship, build confidence, loyalty and trust in a measured environment. However, you and your dog will not always be spending your time in a measured environment. You’ll be out and about – the park, the beach, in town and many other places. And of course, there will be other dogs there too. Will they all be as obedient and trusted as yours? Will the other owners have that reassuring knowledge that their dog will respond to them quickly?
I think we all know the answer is a resounding NO!
Rather like a child going off to nursery for the first time, your dog will need to learn how to interact with others, to read and sense the cues of group behaviour. It’s not something to leave to chance. A wrong or inappropriate response – too boisterous, too withdrawn, reactive and a pattern – possibly of fear can be set in motion. It is possible for dogs to experience trauma.
It’s important for you to know that we introduce your puppy at a pace and manner they can cope with. We use older dogs that I have trained for your puppy to securely learn how to belong in a group or when they meet new dogs. This helps to complete their innate template of how to be around other dogs safely.
A session of 60 minutes is £75
Step 4
Think of this as the final piece of the jigsaw. Socialisation. To return to the nursery metaphor, children now have to learn to play together, tolerate each other and be friendly.
My unique socialisation is led and closely managed by me in a totally hands on way. I’m there at every stage to monitor and oversee the process whilst allowing the dogs to learn experientially (but always safely).
It comprises of four sessions – one a week. Your dog will learn, have fun and be able to mix and feel confident meeting and greeting other dogs.
Think of it as networking skills for dogs!
You drop your dog off at an agreed time in the morning and collect them later that day. We do all the work for you.
Four consecutive weekly sessions one day per week is £240